Shawn (Robi Rosa, KC Porter, Luis Gomez Escolar) > La Bomba
Es una bebida
Que va cambiando tu vida
Una gotita de nada
Te vuelve loca
Loca divertida
Agua de risa
Con unas gotas de rosa
Y una caliente
Esa es la bomba
Muevete mamita
Que me vuelco loco
Emborrachadita de la bomba estas
Cosa linda, cosa mona
sube, sube, que la bomba va
Bum, bum, dando media welta
Bum, bum, dando media welta
Bum, bum, dando media welta
Que noche convida
Intensamente vivida
Te vas quedando colgada
Pura enamorada
Mira guapa
Sale Volando la ropa
Sigue bailando la luna
Luna gatuna
Esa es la bomba
Muevete mamita...
p/s : ada orang melompat tapi terjatuh . ada orang tidak mahu melompat tapi dilonjakkan . ada orang melompat guna belon . ada orang merepek sambil tengok `aduan rakyat` . nguahe .
kata - kata ini hari : Many people feel they are powerless to do anything effective with their lives. It takes courage to break out of the settled mold, but most find conformity more comfortable. This is why the opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it's conformity.
Rollo May (21 April 1909 - 22 October 1994) was an American existential psychologist, authoring the influential books Psychology and the Human Dilemma and Love and Will along with several other volumes explaining and expanding on his theories.
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